Class exposing the API for the EpigraphConfiguratorCore web component. This exposes all functionality provided by the configurator's core, which later gets used by the UI to perform various actions.
The developers MUST NOT instantiate this class because an instance gets securely created and is already attached to the EpigraphConfiguratorCore web component. For more information on getting access to this API, please refer to:
- this guide
- or the snippet below:
// The id is what you added on the web component.
const EPIGRAPH_CONFIGURATOR_WC = document.getElementById("wcEpigraphConfigurator");
const CONFIGURATOR_API = EPIGRAPH_CONFIGURATOR_WC.api.core // This is the instance of the 'ConfiguratorCoreAPI' class
Kind: global class
Singleton: true
- ConfiguratorCoreAPI
- .isReady ⇒
- .categoryData :
- .productData ⇒
- .lookData ⇒
- .sceneSettings ⇒
- .assetsData :
- .isMobile
- .hasSceneChanged ⇒
- .hasSceneChanged ⇒
- .initializeAnalytics(gaCode)
- .enableCart()
- .disableCart()
- .fireEvent(name, payload)
- .setEmptySceneText(text)
- .getSpawningRequirementForSkuID(skuID) ⇒
- .getCartItems() ⇒
- .checkout((forceCheckout) ⇒
- .reloadCheckedoutScene()
- .getCurrentItemsInReplaceableCategory() ⇒
- .getSceneAsGlbUrl() ⇒
- .generateShareableLink()
- .closeContextMenu()
- .alert(alertMsg, alertDuration, alertType)
- .clickHotspot(domID)
- .exitHotspot()
- .spawnGhostsForSkuID(skuId, count)
- .removeAllGhosts()
- .getSceneItems() ⇒
- .getSceneItemCount() ⇒
- .spawnItemBySkuID(skuId, spawnGhostsFirst) ⇒
- .replaceItemsByGuid(obj) ⇒
- .replaceItemsBySkuId(obj, ignoreGuids) ⇒
- .removeItemByGUID()
- .rotateItemByGUID()
- .rotateSelectedItem() ⇒
- .removeSelectedItem() ⇒
- .exitSelectedItem()
- .getSelectedItemData() ⇒
- .canSelectedItemRotate() ⇒
- .canSelectedItemDrag() ⇒
- .doesGuidItemHaveAnAttachedDependency(guid) ⇒
- .doesSelectedItemHasAttachedDependency() ⇒
- .isSelectedItemAnEndNode() ⇒
- .getCurrentSceneEnvMap() ⇒
- .switchGlobalVariant(lookCategory, lookVariant)
- .overrideSelectedItemMaterial(colorID)
- .overrideItemMaterialByGuid(guid, colorID)
- .getSelectedItemColors() ⇒
- .getCanvasSize() ⇒
- .removeAllVariantOverrides()
- .getSceneStructure()
- .loadSceneFromConfiguration(structureToLoad)
- .loadSceneFromConfigurationID(idToLoad)
- .viewInYourSpace()
- .shareScene() ⇒
- .clearScene()
- .restartScene()
- .areDimensionsVisible() ⇒
- .getActiveHotspot()
- .showDimensions()
- .hideDimensions()
- .areHotspotsVisible()
- .areHotspotsTemporarilyVisible()
- .showAllHotspots(temporary)
- .hideAllHotspots(temporary)
- .getFittingSkuIds() ⇒
- .selectItemWithGUID(guid)
- .getCurrentCameraDetails() ⇒
- .moveCamera()
- .setEnvLightMap(newEnvMap)
- .updateInventoryForAllProducts(updatedInventoryObj)
- .getInventoryInfo() ⇒
- .updatePricingForAllProducts(newPricingObj)
- .updatePricingForProduct(skuId, materialVariant, newPrice)
- .getCurrentPricingInfo() ⇒
- .itemDragStart(skuId)
- .itemDragEnd()
- .forceSpawnItem(skuId, guid)
- .downloadCurrentViewAsImage(imageName, imageExtension)
- .getCurrentViewAsImageUrl() ⇒
- .setCameraFocusPointPosition(focusPointPosition)
- .getCameraFocusPointPosition() ⇒
- .sendAnalyticsPageViewedEvent()
- .sendAnalyticsEvent(eventData)
- "coreApi:ready"
- "coreApi:failed"
- "preload:begin"
- "preload:update"
- "preload:end"
- .isReady ⇒
.isReady ⇒ boolean
Gets whether the core api is ready to be used or not.
Kind: instance property of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Read only: true
Gets: ConfiguratorCoreAPI().#isReady
const isApiReady = ConfiguratorCoreApi().isReady;
.categoryData : object
Gets all category data for the loaded products.
Kind: instance property of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Read only: true
Gets: ConfiguratorCoreAPI().#categoryData
const categoryData = ConfiguratorCoreApi().categoryData;
.productData ⇒ object
Gets the full product data that is being used by the configurator.
Kind: instance property of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Read only: true
- We need to mask this product from the API and the query should be more specific instead for each product type.
const productData = ConfiguratorCoreApi().productData;
.lookData ⇒ object
Gets all look data for the loaded products.
Kind: instance property of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Read only: true
const productData = ConfiguratorCoreApi().lookData;
.sceneSettings ⇒ object
Gets the configurator scene Settings which were provided as a part of the configurator-inputs-data.
Kind: instance property of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Read only: true
const sceneSettings = ConfiguratorCoreApi().sceneSettings;
.assetsData : object
Gets all category data for the loaded products.
Kind: instance property of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Read only: true
Gets: ConfiguratorCoreAPI().#categoryData
const categoryData = ConfiguratorCoreApi().categoryData;
Returns whether detected device is mobile
Kind: instance property of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.hasSceneChanged ⇒ boolean
Gets whether the scene has changed since the last saved configuration.
Kind: instance property of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Read only: true
Gets: ConfiguratorCoreAPI().#hasSceneChanged
const hasSceneChanged = ConfiguratorCoreApi().hasSceneChanged;
.hasSceneChanged ⇒ boolean
To allow clients to set this property from outside when they use their own DB to save/share.
Kind: instance property of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Sets: ConfiguratorCoreAPI().#hasSceneChanged
ConfiguratorCoreApi().hasSceneChanged = true; // or false
Initialize the EpigraphAnalytics class property and overrides it if one already exists. This will allow us to pass the refence for the GA Code to the constructor once it is available but also stops the class from failing in the event it is needed prior to the component
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
gaCode | * | The Google Analytics code that we want to track on. |
Sets the cart status to enable Payments functionality
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Sets the cart status to disable Payments functionality
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.fireEvent(name, payload)
A convenience method to fire a custom event on the Core web component that is being managed by this API instance.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
name | * | Name of the event to be fired. This is what would be used on the listener as well. |
payload | * | Any additional detail that needs to be sent with this event. |
Sets the text to be displayed when the scene is empty.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
text | string | The text to be displayed when the scene is empty. |
.getSpawningRequirementForSkuID(skuID) ⇒ array
Returns an array of required skuIDs to spawn the skuID in the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: array
- Returns an array with the skuIDs required to spawn the skuID.
Param | Type | Description |
skuID | string | The skuID for which the spawning requirements are required. |
.getCartItems() ⇒ object
Returns the current items present in the cart
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: object
- Returns an object with the items present in the cart.
.checkout((forceCheckout) ⇒ object
Clears the scene, fire an event EVENTS.SCENE.Cart_Checkout and returns the current items present in the cart
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: object
- Returns an object with the items present in the cart.
Param | Default | Description |
(forceCheckout | false) | If true, the checkout event will be fired even if the cart is out of stock. |
Reloads the scene and populates the cart with the items present at the last checkout
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.getCurrentItemsInReplaceableCategory() ⇒ object
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: object
- Returns selected items in each replacable category
.getSceneAsGlbUrl() ⇒ string
Downloads the current scene as GLB blob stored in a URL.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: string
- Returns a URL with the current scene downloaded as GLB.
Returns a sharable link with configuration ID appended
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Closes the context menu (if open) in the viewer.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.alert(alertMsg, alertDuration, alertType)
Similar to window.alert in modern browsers. Displays an alert message depending on the requested type. This differs from the window.alert as this shows an alert within the configurator only.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
alertMsg | * | Message that needs to be displayed in the alert. |
alertDuration | * | Lifespan of this alert. Please note that any new alert will kill this alert. |
alertType | * | Type of this alert. |
TODO: This method needs to be thought about. This is very vague. This should probably be renamed to enterHotspot to counter the exitHotspot method.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type |
domID | * |
Exits the currently active
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.spawnGhostsForSkuID(skuId, count)
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
skuId | string | SKU ID for which the ghosts would be spawned for. |
count | int31 | Number of ghost that would be shown out of the possibilities. |
Removes all ghosts from the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.getSceneItems() ⇒ number
Gets the current items in the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: number
- IF successful, returns the items in the scene.
ELSE "null" if there was an error while fetching the count.
.getSceneItemCount() ⇒ number
Gets the current items count in the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: number
- IF successful, returns the item count.
ELSE "undefined" if there was an error while fetching the count.
.spawnItemBySkuID(skuId, spawnGhostsFirst) ⇒ object
Spawn an item in the scene from the productSkuID. Only the productSkuIDs returned by ConfiguratorCoreAPI.productData() are valid.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: object
- If successful, The recently spawned item in the scene.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
skuId | string | The product skuID that is intended to be spawned in the scene. | |
spawnGhostsFirst | boolean | false | Whether to spawn ghosts before attempting to spawn the item. Useful when the items has to be drawn without existing ghosts in the scene. |
.replaceItemsByGuid(obj) ⇒ object
Replace items in the scene using GUID with skuId provided.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: object
- Returns an object with guid and success/failure of replacement
eg. {
Param | Type | Description |
obj | object | The Object contains guid and skuId pairs eg. { "guid1":{skuId:"skuId1"}, "guid2":{skuId:"skuId2"} } |
.replaceItemsBySkuId(obj, ignoreGuids) ⇒ object
Replace all items of a specific skuId in the scene with the provided skuId.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: object
- Returns an object with success/failure of replacement
eg. {
Param | Type | Description |
obj | object | The Object contains skuId and skuId pairs eg. { "skuId1":{skuId:"skuId2"}, "skuId3":{skuId:"skuId4"} } |
ignoreGuids | array | Array of guid that should be ignored eg. ["guid1","guid2"] |
Removes the item with GUID
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Rotates the item by GUID
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.rotateSelectedItem() ⇒ Object
Rotates the selected item from the scene. The only way to make an item "selected" is by clicking on it from the viewer
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: Object
- IF successful, returns the data for the item that was rotated.
ELSE returns null if no selectedItem exists in the scene.
.removeSelectedItem() ⇒ Object
Removes the selected item from the scene. The only way to make an item "selected" is by clicking on it from the viewer
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: Object
- IF successful, returns the data for the item that was deleted.
ELSE returns null if no selectedItem exists in the scene.
Deselects if any item has been selected
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.getSelectedItemData() ⇒ Object
Gets the data for selected item in the scene. The only way to make an item "selected" is by clicking on it from the viewer
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: Object
- Returns data for the current selected item.
.canSelectedItemRotate() ⇒ boolean
Gets the rotatable value of the selected item in scene
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: boolean
- Returns if selected item is rotatable
.canSelectedItemDrag() ⇒ boolean
Gets the draggable value of the selected item in scene
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: boolean
- Returns if selected item is draggable
.doesGuidItemHaveAnAttachedDependency(guid) ⇒ boolean
Gets whether the item(guid) has anything attached to it
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: boolean
- Returns if item (guid) has any attached dependencies
Param | Type | Description |
guid | string | item guid |
.doesSelectedItemHasAttachedDependency() ⇒ boolean
Gets whether the selected item has anything attached to it
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: boolean
- Returns if selected item has any attached dependencies
.isSelectedItemAnEndNode() ⇒ boolean
Gets whether the item selected is the end node or if anything else is attached to it
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: boolean
- Returns if selected item is an end node
.getCurrentSceneEnvMap() ⇒ string
Gets the env map that is currently being used to render the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: string
- URL of the current env map being used in the scene.
.switchGlobalVariant(lookCategory, lookVariant)
Switched the global material variant for a look category on request.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
lookCategory | string | Category name for which the variant needs to be updated. |
lookVariant | string | Variant name that would be made global for the provided lookCategory. |
Set the provided colorID as an override on the current item. To make an item from the scene the "selected item", at the moment you could only click on it in the viewport
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
colorID | string | A valid color ID (variant) for the current item. |
.overrideItemMaterialByGuid(guid, colorID)
Set the provided colorID as an override on the item with the given guid
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
guid | * | |
colorID | string | A valid color ID (variant) for the current item. |
.getSelectedItemColors() ⇒ array
Get colors that are available in the selected item To make an item from the scene the "selected item", at the moment you could only click on it in the viewport
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: array
- All the colors in the selected item
.getCanvasSize() ⇒ Object
Gets current size of 3D canvas
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: Object
- Size of the canvas
Removes all Material variant overrides from the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns the complete scene configuration, can be used for loading configuration using loadSceneFromConfiguration()
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Loads a scene from a JSON configuration file, if the configuration isn't being saved in Epigraph's Database.
The configuration can be retrieved by calling the getSceneStructure method of this class. Once the scene configuration has been retrieved, you may store it as you see fit.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
structureToLoad | object | The structure object that needs to be loaded in the scene. |
Loads a configuration in the scene from a configID. This configID is stored in Epigraph's database if enabled for your project. If calling this method doesn't do anything for you, please make sure you reach out to the dev team at Epigraph and we will set it up for you.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
idToLoad | string | The configuration ID that relates to the configuration that has to be loaded in the scene. |
Launches the View In Your Space session. The View In Your Space session is capable of identifying device's AR capabilities and performs the appropriate actions.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.shareScene() ⇒ string
Responsible for generating a shareable link for the current state of the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: string
- A URL that could be visited to reproduce the current state of the scene on any machine.
Empties/Clears the entire scene
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Resets the scene to it's initial state:
- If the page was initialised with a shared configuration, this would reset back to that shared configuration.
- Else, If the originally loaded scene was empty, it would just reset to an empty scene instead.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.areDimensionsVisible() ⇒ boolean
Whether the dimensions are currently being rendered in the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: boolean
- Current visibility state of the dimensions in scene.
Gets the currently active hotspot in the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Starts rendering the dimensions in the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Stops rendering the dimensions in the scene.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Call to know whether the hotspots are currently being displayed in the viewer or not.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Call to know whether the hotspots are currently displayed in the viewer or not. Temporary visibility is a special state for hotspots that hides all hotspots without triggering the global visibility state for them.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Shows all hotspots globally.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Default |
temporary | boolean | false |
Hides all hotspots globally.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Default |
temporary | boolean | false |
.getFittingSkuIds() ⇒ array
Returns all the currently skus that can fit the current configuration
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: array
- array of sku ids that fit the configuration
Manually select an item in the configuration without clicking on the same with GUID Allows you to override the material on a singular selected item
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type |
guid | * |
.getCurrentCameraDetails() ⇒ object
Fetches the current camera of the scene
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: object
- Object with all attributes of the current camera
Moves the camera from a specific source position to a specific destination position with an interpolation factor, duration and custom focus point
NOTE: if duration is 1, and the interpolationFactor is also 1 this means the camera automatically travel from 0(sourcePos) to 1(destPos) in 1 sec
Incase if duration is 0, and the interpolationFactor is 0.5 this means the camera will snap/jump to 0.5(middle point between sourcePos and destPos Vectors) instantly
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Sets the environment light map for the current scene
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
newEnvMap | * | url to the environment map |
Updates the inventory for all products and material variants
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
updatedInventoryObj | object | contains new inventory for all skus and all materialvariants |
.getInventoryInfo() ⇒ object
Fetches the current inventory for all the products and its material variants
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: object
- Object with all products, its inventory quantity
Updates the pricing for all products and material variants
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
newPricingObj | object | contains new pricing for all skus and all materialvariants |
.updatePricingForProduct(skuId, materialVariant, newPrice)
Updates the pricing for specific product and material variant
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type |
skuId | string |
materialVariant | string |
newPrice | string |
.getCurrentPricingInfo() ⇒ object
Fetches the current prices for all the products and its material variants
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: object
- Object with all products, its material variants and their respective price
Triggers item dragging state, makes core aware to be ready for an item thumbnail is being dragged
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type |
skuId | * |
Ends item dragging state, makes core aware the item is no longer being dragged
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
.forceSpawnItem(skuId, guid)
Forces an object to spawn on the root
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type |
skuId | * |
guid | * |
.downloadCurrentViewAsImage(imageName, imageExtension)
Takes a Snapshot of the current scene from the current camera angle
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Default | Description |
imageName | * | ||
imageExtension | * | png | eg. png, jpeg |
.getCurrentViewAsImageUrl() ⇒ string
Get a screenshot of the current view as a base 64 encoded URL. This could then be set to another HTML element or downloaded.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: string
- Base64 encoded image URL.
Sets the focus point of the camera manually
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Type | Description |
focusPointPosition | object | vector3 object eg { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } |
.getCameraFocusPointPosition() ⇒ Object
Fetches the current camera focus point position
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Returns: Object
- Vector3 position of focus point
Send a "Page Viewed" event to the Analytics platforms that are enabled.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Send custom analytics events to the Analytics platform that is configured.
Kind: instance method of ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Param | Description |
eventData | AnalyticsEvent |
Indicates when the configurator is ready to be used.
Kind: event emitted by ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Indicates if the configurator failed to load successfully, for any reason.
Kind: event emitted by ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Indicates when the preloading for the configurator begins.
Kind: event emitted by ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Fires every time the preloading progresses.
Kind: event emitted by ConfiguratorCoreAPI
Name | Type | Description |
progress | int32 | Indicates what the current progress of the preload is in percentage. |
Indicates when the preloading for the configurator ends.
Kind: event emitted by ConfiguratorCoreAPI